Sunday, September 7, 2008

the kids tightrope

Monday, September 1, 2008

the kids tightrope walk
So Sept is here; one kid back at college, the other back to high school. I begin the excruciating tightrope walk between involvement and intrusion, between caring and nagging. With the college one it's the line between contact and harassment. If I had my way I'd talk or e mail or IM everyday. I want to know everything about her friends, her classes, boys. But I know I have to respect her privacy and let her have her college experience without me. So I sit back and wait for her to (hopefully) initiate contact and share.With the high schooler it's more a matter of swinging between micromanagement and letting him crash and burn all on his own. I know I can't obsess over every aspect of his academic life but on the other hand, how can I not? I am quite certain this tightrope does not come with a net.

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